Hello again, my loyal tribe of 17 people that read Braves gossip under the disguise of "news". So, let's get straight to the gossip.
* Back in the 1980s, Coke changed its recipe - and released "New Coke." Perhaps the biggest "how stupid could you be" decision. After coke drinkers freaked out - the company released Coke Classic (original coke) and new coke slowly drifted away. It may have been the best marketing campaign (by accident) ever. Coke sales soared. Anyways, back to baseball - the Braves leaving the St. Croix Valley League felt like new Coke. This year, the team is back in the St. Croix Valley League and natives seem happier. The Braves are planning on big things this summer - and it's exciting.
* I witnessed Braves manager Hondo nearly roll a 300 bowling score late on a Monday night at the Lanes.
* New this year, any player, fan or manager from any team can enter our bowling-baseball championship. You have 24 hours after any Braves game to bowl at the Lanes - take a photo of your high score and the bartender working that shift. The highest bowling score for men/women/kids will win some cool prizes and we'll list your name in a special page in the WBA playoff program. Contest ends August 1.
* Braves played St. Anthony last week (road game). Braves team hit really really well. Had 10 hits. But lost. Spring training game really,
* Prescott Pirates are selling beer and brats this summer.
* Will discuss more about the 2021 Braves in a few weeks - let's get 4-5 games in before we get too in-depth. Braves will be playing 30 games this's like a pub crawl - you gotta pace yourself.
* BIG NEWS - May 14 - Preseason Party at the Lanes. 6pm - until ???? IF you're a fan, this is a great way - easiest way to meet lots of Braves players and coach Hondo and to win some great meat and even some new Braves stuff.
* That was superstar Philadelphia Phillies big shooter Mark W at the Osceola Chieftains v. Amery game. Umpires for that game included former OHS baseball coach Ritchie Narges and Hall of Famer Mark Fuller of Cumberland. Good luck to the Osceola Chieftains the rest of the way - they have a very good team this year.
That's enough for now....happy spring. See you at the park. -garth