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Want to schedule a game against the Braves?
Contact the Braves coach Jason Schmidt by email at
How do I play for the Osceola Braves?
Players need to live within 30 miles of Osceola per league rules. Players can request a tryout by contacting any current Braves player or the Braves coach Jason Schmidt ( generally prior to May 15th for the current summer season.
What is the price of a ticket to attend a game?
We will take a free will donation and have a 50/50 drawing at each game.
Where do I find schedules and/or information about the team?
Check this website for game and special events schedules, and also general information about the team.
What about rainouts?
Due to our full schedule, we do everything in our power to get the game in. Check for updates on our Facebook page.
How do I book a group or event at an Osceola Braves game at Oakey Park?
Call Kate Cloutier 715-417-0995 or email her at
How do I volunteer during Braves games or volunteer to work at the concession stand?
The Braves are always looking for volunteers! Contact Kate Cloutier if you’re interested in helping out. Kate can be reached via email at Or contact Rick Fehlen at 715-529-4285 or
What if I would like to be a corporate sponsor of Braves baseball?
Please email Kate at
Questions about the website?
Contact Kate at
Common Questions and Answers
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