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tastes like chicken

Results last week:

lost to Stillwater - sad face

had river falls on the ropes but lost - frustrated face

defeated haugen hornets - happy face

Gardening news - lost a few shasta daisies over the winter. After speaking to other amateur green thumbs - sounds like they also lost shasta daisies. So the term perennial plant - really isn't true. Perhaps should be called somewhat perennial. perennial to a point? quasi perennial?

Back to baseball insights -

June 26 - We host Isanti. New Osceola Public Library Director Shelby Freindshuh will be throwing out the first pitch and the library will be giving out free root beer floats.

June 28 - We host Spooner. It tastes like chicken since it is chicken. It's Grilled Chicken Night thanks to Steve Rochel and his special bird-grilling machines. Also, Royal Credit Union is sponsoring the game and will be having a group party.

June 29 - We host the Haugen Hornets - 5pm Forecast highs of 91 degrees. Africa hot.

June 30 - We host the Brill Millers at 1pm. That's the "Sparkle" game as Osceola Royalty will be having a get-together at the game.

July 1-9 We're off for the Fourth of July - midseason break!

GOSSIP- Coach Hondo is heading to the MLB All Star Game in Cleveland on July 9.

Last Saturday, after the Haugen game, at the Corner Bar in Cumberland - we met a woman who professed her high school crush on Tom Reportl (sp?) (Former Spooner Cardinal). Her last name was something like Kabitz? Kabish and she grew up in Sarona. Just passing that along...

There's a traveling trophy in the process of being made for the Braves at Spooner game in July during the Spooner Rodeo Weekend. And by process - it needs some major tweaking/refurbishing but we still have a couple of weeks to get it into shape.

Indy League Standings - Hayward is in first - at 3-0. (Braves are 2-2) But we'll have lots to update in the coming weeks since a whole bunch of conference games are upcoming.

Hope to see you the park this week and if not - have a happy and safe Fourth.


1. Osseo

2. River Falls

3. Chaseburg Coon Valley

4. Prescott/Sparta

5. Eau Claire Bears/ Hayward/Menomonie

6. Spooner/New Richmond

7. Hudson/Eau Claire Cavs

8. Plum City/La Crescent

9. Everest/Haugen Knights

10. Brill/Spring Valley

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