Your One Stop Shop for Everything for Osceola Site Playoffs
Let's get right to it! The playoff field is set and the buzz is starting around town - playoff baseball returns to Oakey Park in Osceola...
7 (wba tournament eve)
The Braves head to Elmwood July 31 to play Spring Valley in the first round of the newly created St. Croix Valley Baseball League...
PLAYOFFS?!?! July 15, 2021
Things are heating up for the Braves playoff push. Too many bubble scenarios to dive too deeply into now including a season conference...
July 2, 2021
“Doing great work is a struggle. It's draining, it's demoralizing, it's frightening - not always, but it can feel that way when we're...
June Heatwave 2021
Hello again from the underground Braves office located on Chieftain Ave. When did Osceola, Wisconsin and Phoenix, Arizona switch places?...
Hello again, my loyal tribe of 17 people that read Braves gossip under the disguise of "news". So, let's get straight to the gossip. *...
indy tournament
Aug 2 at Spooner - Merchant Park Hornets vs Knights 6pm Braves vs Brill at 8pm Winner of Braves vs. Brill plays at 1pm SAT vs Spooner...
Braves ended the final stretch of four conferences games going 2-2. Braves defeated Brill 3-1. Lost to Haugen Knights 10-0 (Knights...
Crunch Time
Things always get a bit hectic this time of year - there's a lot going on! In baseball news, the Braves got roughed up in Spooner by the...
Recapping the final week of June: Lost to Isanti in a close game. Lost to Spooner in lopsided game. Won vs. Haugen Hornets in lopsided...